Did You Know? – The Kidney Care Society COVID-19 Checklist

Know your kidney function

Check eGFR

Check Your EGFR ×

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Did You Know?

This is the best possible solution for a renal failure patient but getting organ is a complicated procedure. Until an altruistic donor donate kidney or deceased person’s organ is available renal transplant is not possible. Renal transplant is done by a team of doctors. At first the health of donor and donor’s kidney function is checked. If donor is found healthy compatibility with recipient is checked. After thorough check up team of doctors approves a renal transplant. After a successful kidney transplant a renal patient gets back normal renal function but they must follow the prescribed medication dietary advice and suggested lifestyle modification.

  • Kidney disease is a silent killer.
  • This disease progress gradually and until major kidney function is compromised no symptoms are observed.
  • If CKD is diagnosed in critical stages then nothing much can be done for the patients. Then dialysis or transplant are the only modalities to follow.
  • Both dialysis and transplant are expensive and complicated procedures so it is always better to prevent renal disease than to treat it.
  • Hypertension and diabetes are two major causes for renal dysfunction.
  • NSAID group of pain killers and many antibiotics are bad for kidney and may cause renal dysfunction.
  • Everyone should check serum urea, serum creatinine and protein leakage in urine to detect renal dysfunction in early stages.
  • Awareness about renal dysfunction can save lives of many people.
  • Those who have high blood pressure, diabetes or have any sort of family history of renal disease must check renal health regularly.
  • The Kidney Care Society suggests that everyone should check renal function on their birthday. It is more meaningful than celebrating birthday with a birthday cake.
  • GFR or the Glomerular Filtration Rate is the best way to check the renal health.
  • Normal GFR ranges between 90ml/min to 120ml/min.
  • For a rough estimation of the GFR, we simply need the blood creatinine value and the patient’s body weight age, sex and race.
  • From these data, GFR can be calculated by MDRD or CG formula. Depending on the GFR the stages of kidney disease are determined.
  • Dialysis can help a renal failure patient to survive but it cannot be efficient like the natural kidney.
  • Renal transplant is the best way out for the renal failure patient. But for that an altruistic donor or availability of a deceased person’s organ is required.
  • A person can maintain good health with one kidney so one kidney can be donated to save a life.
  • Organs can be transplanted from a brain dead person. After death we destroy the natural organs which can save other lives so everyone should come forward to increase the number of deceased organ donation. (Please see the deceased person’s organ donation FAQs) .