Metamask: MetaMask API – How to detect if token already registered? – The Kidney Care Society COVID-19 Checklist

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Metamask: MetaMask API – How to detect if token already registered?

Avoid unauthorized access to your decentralized application (DAPP) on the token data record

As a decentralized application developer (DAPP), you would like to ensure that users cannot access your DAPP before you have registered your tokens with Metamask, a popular platform for the development and development of Ethereum. Here the API of Metamask is useful. In this article we will examine how it can determine whether there is already a token in Metamsk, and avoid unauthorized access to his dapp to register.

Why the token data is important

Before you explain how you can register token with Metamsk, we will argue why this is necessary. If a user tries to access his DAPP without registering his token, it can accidentally enable malicious users to take advantage of their application. This could lead to security gaps and even financial losses due to non -authorized transactions.

detection if there is already a token in Metamk

To determine whether there is already a token in Metamsk, you can use the “GetaCount” method provided by Metamask API. This method returns an object that contains information about the currently selected account, including the name of its owner and the associated tokens.


Async chetecoken existence function () {

attempt {

Const Accounts = Alea Getaccount ();

if (account.tickens && account.tokens.length> 0) {

Console.log ('a token is already registered in Metamask!');

} Others {{

Console.log ('No token in Metamask recorded');


} capt (error) {

Console.error (error);



In this code we use the "Getaccount" method "GetAccount" to restore an account object. Then we check whether the account is assigned to a token that verify the "Token" property of the account object.

Avoid the non -authorized access to the registration

Metamask: MetaMask API - How to detect if token already registered?

If you want to prevent users from being able to access your DAPP until you have registered your token with Metamsk, you can use the following code:


Async Previsengistredusers () {

Contc accounts = Getaccouts ();

Wait Promety.ALL ( (account => Checkokenexistnce ()));

// Wait a short period of time until users can register their tokens

SettiMaut (() => {

Console.log ('a token is now registered in Metamask!');

// Now it's certain to access her dapp

}, 5000); // 5 seconds



In this code we first restored a matrix of all accounts with the ‘GetaCounts’ method. Then we can carry out each account and call up the “Checkocotical Existnce” function to determine whether a token is already registered.

After we have found that no tokens are recorded in Metamsk, we expect 5 seconds with the “SettiMaut” function before users can access their dapp.


In this article we examine how you can see whether there is already a token in Metamask, and avoid not authorized access to his dapp to register. When checking the existence of the token and waiting for a short time, you can make sure that only registered users can access the application.

Remember to always follow the best practice in the development of decentralized applications, including token records with Metamsk safe and transparent. If you have any questions or need more help, do not hesitate to ask!

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