Metamask balance problem with Localhost 8545
As a popular user extension of the Metamask Ethereum browser, you are probably not foreign to the comfort and flexibility offered. However, the recent problem caused frustration among users who rely on the local host 8545 as a configuration of the main portfolio. In this article, we will enter the problem and explore possible solutions.
Using Localhost 8545 as an Ethereum bag, the Metamask balance display is interested. In particular, when moving from Mainnet to Localhost, your Ether Elective Balance (ETH) no longer appears in the Dashboard Metamk. This can be confused for users who are used to seeing the sales of their accounts reflected in real time.
To better understand the problem, we examine a code that could be relevant:
The main package
import (
"Tree trunk"
"Ethereum/Go -one/wallets"
Func Main () {
Max: = Wallet.newlocalhostwallet ("Your_wallet_address")
FMT.println ("Initial Libra:", Wallet.balancstring ())
// Change the account settings to modify from local host mainnet
Portfolio.setchainid (Api.config ().
FMT.println ("Libra after the chain ID configuration:")
Fmt.println (wallet.balancstring ())
Problem with Localhost 8545
Using Localhost 8545, the wallet is not configured to use this particular circuit. The Metamask API can expect a different chain ID that can cause non -compliance when trying to get accounts.
Possible solutions
You can try the following to solve the problem:
- Check the Metamask settings: Make sure that the Host 8545 portfolio is properly set in the extension of the Metamask browser.
- Update the configuration of the Ethereum node: move on to another Ethereum node that supports Localhost 8545, such as a Go-Eerereum node or a cloud-based service as broken.
Use "Chainid with Metamk
: in the code, when creating a wallet, exit the” Chainid “Parameter Localhost 8545 using the” Chainid “parameter:
Max: = Wallets.newlocalhostwallet ("Your_wallet_address", "0x00000 ...", 8546)
Alternatively, you can use the "Chainid" field to manually set the chain ID. For example:
APIRESP: = & Model.ethereumapiresonse {
Chainid: Uint256 (both.Touint256 ("0x ..."),
Max, er: = wallet.newlocalhostwallet (apiresp.walletaddress, "Your_wallet_address")
In conclusion, the problem you are facing with the Metamask balance display by passing from Localhost 8545 to Mainnet can be resolved by updating the configuration of the Ethereum node or using the "chains" parameter with the Metamas. When performing these steps, you should be able to obtain a clear image of ETH's balance in both Mainnet and Localhost settings.
Example of code
Here is an updated version of the code fragment showing how to manually set the chain ID:
The main package
import (
"Tree trunk"
"Ethereum/Go -one/wallets"
Func Main () {
Max: = Wallets.newlocalhostwallet ("Your_wallet_address", "0x00000 ...", 8546)
FMT.println ("Initial Libra:", Wallet.balancstring ())
// Change the account settings to modify from local host mainnet
Portfolio.setchainid (Api.config ().
FMT.println ("Libra after the chain ID configuration:")
Fmt.println (wallet.balancstring ())
Remember to replace “Your_wallet_address” is 0x00000 … “with your actual portfolio address and the hexadecimal value.