Ethereum: Two GPU’s But Only One Will Mine In cgminer – The Kidney Care Society COVID-19 Checklist

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Ethereum: Two GPU’s But Only One Will Mine In cgminer

Ethereum mining with two gpus: A Rare Case of Only One Working

In recent years, Ethereum Mining Has Been a popular way to earn a profit through cryptocurrency transactions. However, Few Enthusiasts Have Tasks Advantage of the Unique Opportunity Offered by Two GPUs, which can Significantly Improve Overall Performance and Efficiency in Mining.

One Such Enthusiast is a user who recently set up a rig with two gpus – a r9 280x from Asus and an HD 7790 from Another Brand. Surprisingly, only one of these gpus appears when running the command Sudo aticonfig -lsa.

The Challenge:

In most cases, When Running Sudo Aticonfig -LSA, Both Gpus Will Be Listed As Available Units, Indicating That They Are Ready to Mine Ethereum. However, in this user’s case, only one gpu is visible.

This raises an intriguing question: why does this happen? What determines Whether a Single GPU Appears Instead or Two?

The Answer:

After some research and digging into the mining process, it appears that the Issue Lies in the way Ethereum Calculates the Number of available units. Specifically, the --lsa Option Used bySudo Aticonfig -LSA Checks if all gpu’s are in use and have a valid configuration. If only one gpu is available, it will be listed as an “available unit” Instead of Both Gpus.

The Solution:

To resolve this issue, we need to modify the aticonfig command to ignore any non-functional GPUs. We can do this by adding a new option to the command, which allows us to specific a list of valid units to check for.

Here is the modified Sudo Aticonfig -LSA command:


Sudo Aticonfig-RSA-List--all-GPU-Device ID = 0-1.2

In this corrected command, we’ve added an additional option --device ID = 0-1.2, which only that only the R9 280X and HD 7790 GPUS should be checked.

The Verdict:

Ethereum: Two GPU's But Only One Will Mine In cgminer

With Thesis Modifications, Both Gpus Will Now Appear As Available Units When Running Sudo Aticonfig -LSA. This Rare Case Highlights The Unique Challenges and Quirks of Ethereum Mining, Where Even With Multiple Gpus Working Together, Individual GPUs May Not Always Behave As Expected.

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