Ethereum: How to sign and verify a message that you own a bitcoin address using JavaScript? – The Kidney Care Society COVID-19 Checklist

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Ethereum: How to sign and verify a message that you own a bitcoin address using JavaScript?

Signing and Verifying a Bitcoin Address in JavaScript

Bitcoin addresses are unique 34-character strings that represent the private keys of each Bitcoin wallet. To verify if someone owns a specific Bitcoin address, we first need to obtain the private key associated with that address. In this article, we’ll learn how to sign and verify a message using JavaScript that corresponds to a Bitcoin address.

Getting Started

To get started, you’ll need to create a new Bitcoin account or obtain the private key for your existing wallet from an online service like Electrum, MyEtherWallet, or MetaMask. For the purposes of this example, let’s assume that we’re storing the private key as a JSON Web Token (JWT) in our JavaScript code.

// Obtain the private key from an online service

async function getPrivateKey() {

const url = '

const response = wait fetch(url);

const privateKey = wait response.text();

return JSON.parse(privateKey);


// Check if we have a specific Bitcoin address using our private key

function verifyAddress(address, privateKey) {

// Convert the private key to a hex string for easier manipulation

const privateKeyHex = privateKey.toString(16);

// Create a new SHA-256 hash object

const hashObject = crypto.createHash('sha256');

// Update the hash object with the Bitcoin address and private key



// Get the resulting hex string of the hash

const hashHex = hashObject.digest('hex');

// Compare the resulting hash to our stored hashed Bitcoin address

return hashHex === '0000000000...'; // Replace with your actual hash

// Helper function to sign messages using ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm)

function signMessage(message, privateKey) {

const key = crypto.createECDSA({

namedCurve: 'secp256k1',

publicKey: privateKey,


return key.sign(message);


// Example usage:

const message = 'Hello, Bitcoin!';

const signedMessage = signMessage(message, getPrivateKey());

console.log(verifyAddress(signedMessage, getPrivateKey()));


Signing Messages Using ECDSA

Ethereum: how do you sign and verify a message that you own a bitcoin address using javascript?

To sign a message using ECDSA, you need to create an RSA or DSA pair with a private key, and then use the signMessage function above. The example code shows how to do this:

// Create an RSA/ECDSA pair (replace it with your actual private key)

const privateKey = getPrivateKey();

Once you have signed the message, you can check if we own that address by checking if the hashed Bitcoin address matches our stored hash.

Signing and Verifying Messages in JavaScript

Here is a complete example of how to sign and verify messages using ECDSA:


// Get the private key from an online service

async function getPrivateKey() {

const url = ‘

const response = wait fetch(url);

const privateKey = wait response.text();

return JSON.parse(privateKey);


// Create a new SHA-256 hash object

const crypto = require(‘crypto’);

// Helper function to sign messages using ECDSA

function signMessage(message, privateKey) {

// Convert the private key to a hex string for easier manipulation

const privateKeyHex = privateKey.toString(16);

// Create a new SHA-256 hash object

const hashObject = crypto.createHash(‘sha256’);

// Update the hash object with the Bitcoin address and private key



// Get the resulting hex string of the hash

const hashHex = hashObject.

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