Ethereum: Format problem when signing and verifying messages using Safe Wallet – The Kidney Care Society COVID-19 Checklist

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Ethereum: Format problem when signing and verifying messages using Safe Wallet

Ethereum: Format Problem When Signing and Verifying Messages Using Safe Wallet

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When working with ethereum wallets, such as safe wallet, it’s essential to ensure that your wallet operations are handled correctly. One Common Issue That May Arise is when signing and verifying Messages Using the Isignature Publicer Class in Your Solidity Contracts. In this article, we’ll explore what causes the gs026 error and provide a solution.

The GS026 Error


GS026 (Gas Overflow) Occurs when the Eth_Sign function is called with a message that exeds the maximum allowed gas limit. This can happen if you’re using an outdated wallet or incorrectly handling thesignature buffer variable.

Causes of the GS026 Error:


  • Incorrect Signature Buffer Allocation : Make Sure To Allocate Enough Space For The Signature Buffer When CallingEth_Sign.

  • insufficient gas limit : verify that your wallet has sufficient gas limits to handle the signing process.

  • Incorrect Message Length : Ensure that your message is not too much, as it can exced the maximum allowed gas limit.

Solution: Handling GS026 Error


To Resolve the GS026 Error When Using Isignurevalidator.isvalIDSignature, You Can Follow These Steps:

  • Verify Signature Buffer Allocation

    Ethereum: Format problem when signing and verifying messages using Safe Wallet

    : Check if signature buffer has Enough Space Allocated for Signing. You can do this by checking its length and allocating more space if necessary:


Constaturebuffer = New Uint8ARRAY (2 * Message.length); // Allocate Sufficient Space

  • Check gas limit

    : Ensure that your wallet has sufficient gas limits to handle the signing process. You can check the current gas limit by calling Ethgaslimit on the Ethereum blockchain:


Constance gas limit = await ethgaslimit ();

if (current gas limit

// Reduce Gas Limit If Necessary


  • Verify Message Length : Make Sure That Your Message is not Too Long, As It Can Exceed the Maximum Allowed Gas Limit. You can check the length of the message and reduce it if necessary:


Const Maxlength = Max Gas Limit / 8; // Assume a block size or 8 bytes per gas unit

if (message.length> maxlength) {

// Reduce Message Length If Necessary


Example code


Here’s an Example Solidity Contract That Demonstrates How To Handle the GS026 Error:

“ Solidity

Pragma Solidity ^0.8.0;

import “

import ” contracts/utils/math/safemath.sol”;

Contract SafeContract {

// Initialize the wallet and set the gas limit

Constructor () Public {

_Set gas limit (2 ** 32); // Set A Sufficient Gas Limit

// Allocate Sufficient Space for the Signature Buffer

Constaturebuffer = New Uint8ARRAY (2 * Message.length);


Function _SignMessage (Message: Bytes) Internal Returns (Bytes Memory) {

// Check if the gas limit is enough to handle signing

assert (_gaslimit> = ethgaslimit (), “insufficient gas limit”);

// Verify Signature Buffer Allocation

if (signaturebuffer.length! = 2 * message.length) {

Require (0, “Invalid signature buffer”);


// Reduce Message Length If Necessary

if (Message.length> Max Gas Limit / 8) {

_ReducemessaGelGth (Message);


// Sign the Message Using Openzeppelin’s ERC721 Token Contract

Bytes memory signature = safety seal.


Address (this).

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